REFMAC60 - Reference handling macros for Word 6.0 ================================================= Introduction ============ This is a set of macros that allow to handle references "Latex" style. What this means is that a separate document, the reference document, contains all the references in arbitrary order. The main document includes reference tags (eg. bartana94 or johnson_SLM) and a reference bookmark. Upon invoking the the reference resolver macro in this package, a scan is performed over the main document and a neat reference list in the order of appearance in the document is created at the reference bookmark. See usage below for more details. Installation ============ 1. Fire up Word 6.0 (if you have 2.0, grab from wherever you got this. This will not work with Word 2.0) 2. open the document refmac61.doc. 3. You will see three sections called 'InsertBibEntry', 'InsertBibTag' and 'ResolveRefs'. Each is a separate macro. 4. Mark the first macro by highlighting the first line to the first END SUB line. Then choose Edit-Copy. 5. Choose Tools-Macro and type InsertBibEntry in the macro name field. Choose Create. 6. Delete the Sub Main and SUB End that Word automatically writes, and choose Edit- Paste. Choose File-Close and answer yes on the save question. 7. Repeat 4-6 for InsertBibTag and ResolveRefs. You now have three new macros. You can assign them to buttons or menu options (I have the first two assigned to the Insert menu and the last to the Format menu). Usage ==== Open a document that will hold your references. Lets say you called it refer.doc. Run the InserrtBibEntry macro to create your references there. A dialog box appears that asks you to insert the tag for the macro. Lets say the first macro is tagged as Harry67. After typing that in (no spaces or funky characters please) click OK. You will see [1]. Type in the full reference, say 'B. F. Harry "Chaos Systems", J.Q. E. Feb. 1967'. and press Enter. Now, to enter the rest of the entries, fire up the InsertBibEntry again. (Now you see why its handy to assign a button or a menu choice to it. When you're done, save the file. Now write your main document. Wherever you want to insert a reference to, say, Harry's paper, just fire up the InsertBibTag macro. A dialog box will come up asking for the tag name, which will be, of course, Harry67. At the place you wish to have your reference list make a bookmark by placing the cursor there and pressing Ctrl-Shft-F5. A dialog box comes up asking for the bookmark. Type References. Nothing else, and no variations. This is the position where your reference list will begin. Now fire up the ResolveRefs macro, seat back and watch the show. I strongly suggest you save your document before that though. Notes ==== 1. If you make a reference tag to a reference that was not resolved yet you will see something like [Error! Reference source not found.]. This is actually OK. Once you do a ResolveRefs, it should turn into a true reference, i.e. [3] etc. (given that it actually exists). 2. I have used a nice little gem called echo() which turns on/off the screen refreshes by Word. This speeds up the ResolveRefs macro by about 30%. If the ResolveRefs macro is interrupted (by switching to another program via Alt-Tab etc.), you are on your own and probably will end up in never-never land. The moral of this is to let ResolveRefs do its thing. You can see its status on the status line. 3. Feel Free to use copy, distribute and modify these macros. I won't even bother with putting a Copyright or a GPL on this. I would appreciate though that if it's not too much of a bother, email me and say how goes you with it. Bug reports, enhancements and fixes are most welcome, and I'm tentatively promising anyone a reply. My address is 4. Finally, I can attest that these macros are working nicely for me. I have used them extensively in my thesis, and they withstood around 180 references. I do not in any way guarantee that they will work for you. Use them at your own risk.